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11.001 ~ 0180 ~ Diplodoma laichartingella ~ Dotted-margin Bagworm
UK Status

Scattered distribution throughout much of the British Isles.

Montgomeryshire Status

First recorded at Llanfyllin in the north of the county in 2020.

Wingspan :   M & F 10-15mm

Confusion species

Fairly distinctive.
Flight time & Voltinity (Univoltine)


Wherever a suitable tree is found.


Lichen, dead insects & decaying plant matter.

Lifestage data

Case-bearing. Eggs laid in bark. Larva forms a case from various materials. Pupates in case attached up to 1m above ground (may take two to three years to emerge in cooler climates).
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by MDH, 19th June 2020, Llanfyllin